Ferly is a sexual well-being company for womxn. Ferly’s co-founders Anna Hushlak and Billie Quinlan have made it their mission to give all womxn the knowledge, tools and techniques for a healthy, confident and pleasurable sex life. The Ferly mobile App offers a space to learn guided practices for body and mind, explore contemporary sex ed and dive into sensual stories – all in a bite sized audio format.
I joined Ferly as the Lead Product Designer in November 2018 to design the very first audio guide to mindful sex. I was responsible for designing the entire user experience and taking the product from concept stage through to a successful App Store launch in June 2019, which resulted in a successful round of investment shortly after.
Selected Projects
FerlyUX/UI Design, Design Research, Branding, Illustration
Moody MonthUX Design, Design Research, UX Strategy
CoconutUX/UI Design, User Research, Illustration
Not ApplicablePodcast
I AgreePoster Design, Information Graphic
SuperHiUX/UI Design
Schwarze Hunde & Bunte SchafeEditorial Design, Book Design, Storytelling, Writing